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The contents of this Web-Site and the last Changes made

Here you will get Information on

the contents of this Web-Site and the last Changes made:

»Almodóvarlandia is the virtual country where you will find information on Pedro Almodóvar and his movies. Furthermore you will find links to other sources on the Web to get informations about Almodóvar and links to the places where you can order books written by him or about him and videos of his movies.«
(Source: Karl A. ERBER, 1998)

Constitution shows you on which Principles Almodóvarlandia is based.

Government shows you who designed the content of Almodóvarlandia and governs this virtual country.

University informs you about the Research done on the Movies of Pedro Almodóvar and the range of studies called Almodóvarology.

Filmstudio informs you about the latest Movie of Pedro Almodóvar, that is currently being shot in the Film(Movie)studios.

Movies informs you about the complete filmography of Pedro Almodóvar.

In the Shop you can order via Internet Books, Movies, CDS and other stuff related with Almodóvar.

  • BOOKSHOP (Scripts of his movies, Books written by Pedro Almodóvar, Books about Almodóvar ...)
  • MOVIESHOP(Videos, Laserdiscs and DVDs of his movies)
  • CD-SHOP(CDs with the music from his movies, Soundtracks, CDs of Artists who appeared on the Soundtracks)
  • POSTERSHOP (Posters of his movies and about related topics)
  • OTHER STUFF (Other Stuff related with Pedro Almodóvar)
  • SHOP INFORMATION(Information on the companies, who are responsible for all customer service, including payment processing, ordering, shipping, order status reports and even returns of any kind.)

News informs you about ¡ NEWS ! about Pedro Almodóvar and New Contents added to Almodóvarlandia.

Church informs you about the Role of the Roman Catholic Church in the Movies of Pedro Almodóvar.

Tapas informs you about the Role of the Spanish Snacks called »Tapas« and typical Spanish Food in the Movies of Pedro Almodóvar and contains some recipes to prepare »Tapas« in your own kitchen.

Bullfight informs you about the Role of the Spanish Art called »Bullfighting« in the Movies of Pedro Almodóvar.

Tourism informs you about Places to visit in the Real World and on the Web related with the the Movies of Pedro Almodóvar and Places to learn Spanish.

Actors informs you about the Actors, who have already appeared in the movies of Pedro Almodóvar.

Biography shows you the Biography of Pedro Almodóvar and informs you about the awards, this director has already received.


This Page was created by Karl A. ERBER on December 05, 1998
Last Update: June 20, 2000
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