The adventures of Patty Diphusa, the literary ego of Almodóvar, have been published as a serialized column in the spanish magazine »La Luna«.
The »Other Writings« are selected stories from and about the life in Madrid and and all around; experiments about Dada in Spain; essays about Arts and Culture; as well as about Almodóvar's advancement from an Underground-Writer-Director, who has to scrounge money for his first Commercial Movie from his friends, to an internationally famous Director.
Brilliant and ironic, full of elegant professionality and merciless sincerity. »Patty Diphusa« is more than just a must for cineasts, it is also a funny and fascinating book even for readers who are not yet fans of Almodóvar.
If you want to read real Almodóvar, you have to read him in Spanish. This editon furthermore contains some additional chapters compared to the English Edition.